Expanding the Bug Bounty Program and SecOps at Inverse Finance for a Secure Future

Since this is a relatively large expense requested, I think it is beneficial to provide context to the current financial position of the DAO to help inform voters.

Currently, the monthly stablecoin OpEx (trailing 4-month average) is $117k.

Over the past 4 months, the stablecoin treasury has been depleted by ~$149k, equivalent to 1.27 runway months (0.31/month). This is the result of cash flow losses in the months of May, June and July.

Accounting for known future stablecoin costs (DOLA bad debt repayments), the DAO Treasury stablecoin balance stands at ~$1.194M. This is equivalent to 10.17 months of runway, below the target of 12 months.

The proposed costs:

  1. Onboarding Zellic - 67,000 DOLA (non-recurring) - 0.57 months of runway
  2. Increase BBP payout - 23,000 DOLA (non-recurring) - 0.20 months of runway

In total, this proposal will reduce the stablecoin runway by 0.77 months to 9.40 months (given current OpEx levels) should it pass and the requested funds be fully utilized.

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