Proposal to Increase Market Ceiling Parameter to 50M for Select FiRM LP Markets

Increase Market Ceiling Parameter to 50M for Select FiRM LP Markets


This proposal aims to increase the market ceiling parameter for the following FiRM LP markets to 50M DOLA. The adjustment aligns with Inverse Finance’s growth strategy and is supported by the Revised Risk Assessment of Stable LP Markets (December 2024).

Markets and Addresses:

yv-DOLA-scrvUSD 0x5bb8f6aAcFF2971B42F9fE6945D24726A2541CF2
DOLA-scrvUSD 0x2fed508aAc87c0e6f0b647Fe83164A7AA6eb2FC9
yv-DOLA-sUSDe 0x4E264618dC015219CD83dbc53B31251D73c2db1a
DOLA-sUSDe clp 0xb427fC22561f3963B04202F9bb5BCEbd76c14A99
yv-DOLA-sUSDS 0x4A33baFA8a31E4ec9649f65646022cAD1957808b
DOLA-sUSDS clp 0xD68d3a44d46dd50BFeBa8Cca544717B76e7C4b29
yv-crvUSD-DOLA 0xe85943e280776254ee6C9801553B93F10Ef4C99C
crvUSD-DOLA 0x6A522f3BD3fDA15e74180953f203cf55aA6C631E
scrvUSD-sDOLA 0x63D27fC9d463Ed727676367D3F818999962737E8
yv-scrvUSD-sDOLA 0xb8bc1E9c0a2d445bc39d2A745F47619E954dD565


  1. Increased Demand: The Revised Risk Assessment indicates significant borrower interest, evidenced by high utilization rates and robust participation in LP markets.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Raising the market ceiling reduces operational friction, allowing borrowers greater flexibility and supporting sustained market growth.
  3. Risk Framework Confidence: FiRM’s robust risk management frameworks provide confidence in scaling these markets while safeguarding DOLA’s stability.

Risks and Mitigation:

  • Increased Market Exposure: Concentration risks in collateral pools will be monitored, and mitigation strategies such as diversified exposure and periodic reviews will be employed.
  • Governance and Multisig Security: Continued oversight of the Fed Chair’s discretionary power and enhanced security measures for multisig wallets will address potential vulnerabilities.


The proposed increase to 50M DOLA for these markets aligns with FiRM’s growth objectives while maintaining its strong risk management posture. This change supports Inverse Finance’s mission to provide predictable and secure lending opportunities.