Update the INV Price Feed

Update the INV Price Feed


The INV price feed, utilized on FiRM and Frontier, has been driven by the Curve EMA feed from the TricryptoINV pool, a Curve pool with INV<>WETH<>USDC.


The Treasury Working Group (TWG) proposes transitioning the INV price feed to a new Curve twocrypto-ng pool (INV<>WETH). This pool introduces several improvements over the TricryptoINV pool, including enhanced gas efficiency. The exchange_received function eliminates redundant token transfers during swaps, making multi-token swaps through aggregators significantly more cost-effective.

The new price feed is deployed at: 0x54F1E4EB93c5b5F4C12776c96e08a49A9928FE84


To ensure a secure and seamless migration, the TWG will carefully manage the transition of INV protocol-owned liquidity (POL) between the TricryptoINV and twocrypto-ng pools.

Key steps include:

  • The new pool has already been seeded with $340k TVL, enabling efficient arbitrage to maintain accurate pricing near fair market value.
  • Upon approval of this proposal, the TWG will further increase liquidity in the twocrypto-ng pool while maintaining sufficient TVL in the TricryptoINV pool to prevent price manipulation risks.
  • After successful execution of the migration, all remaining POL will be moved to the new pool, and the old TricryptoINV pool will be sunset.

Implementation Notes

The TWG has already secured a Curve DAO vote to add a gauge for the twocrypto-ng pool, enabling immediate incentivization to attract additional liquidity.


This transition will enhance the efficiency of INV trading and improve the reliability of the INV price feed, aligning with the DAO’s goals of optimizing its infrastructure. The TWG recommends the DAO approve this proposal to ensure a timely and secure migration.

On-Chain Actions

  • Set the INV price feed on FiRM oracle to the new INV feed
  • Set the INV price feed on Frontier oracle ot the new INV feed
  • Set the INV price feed on the sINV exchange rate feed to the new INV feed
  • Set the staleness on the borrow controller to 3660