Proposal to Increase Karm’s Vesting Contract
My full time compensation proposal has passed through governance and executed February 24th. In addition, I’m proposing my part time vesting contract be increased to reflect full time status to finalize this move.
To attract, retain and align the interests of top talent with INV holders and the DAO, Inverse rewards core contributors with vested governance tokens. Previously I had been awarded two separate vesting contracts, the first as a growth contributor previous to being salaried and the second when I became salaried as part time in the Risk Working Group. This proposal aims to align my vested INV with EDO who is full time in the Risk Working Group and other full time contributors at the DAO.
Contributor vesting contracts will continue being a powerful tool for INV holders ensuring aligned interest and motivation. The Inverse Finance core contributors have shown resilience and perseverance through some difficult and uncertain times over these last years. 2023 is shaping up to be a powerful year at Inverse Finance and I’m happy to be involved here.
Proposal Actions:
Current INV Vesting
Increased INV Vesting
New INV Total Vested