Proposal to Whitelist DOLA Fed for Rari Fuse Pool 22 (BadgerDAO)


Inverse Finance has an opportunity with Badger DAO to add DOLA lending to Fuse Pool 22 as well as to allow DOLA holders to supply DOLA to the same pool to earn yield.


Inverse is working with Badger DAO about collaboration around their Rari Fuse Pool 22 “Badger Pool”.

“Badger is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) focused on building the products and infrastructure necessary to accelerate the growth of Bitcoin in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) across multiple blockchains.

Specifically, it is an ecosystem where projects and people from across all DeFi can come together to collaborate and build different products. Shared ownership in the DAO incentivizes builders to have aligned objectives. Whilst decentralized governance ensures that those incentives remain fair to all parties and that the projects pursued are determined by the community.”

Today, stablecoin borrowing options on Fuse Pool 22 include USDC, FEI, and DAI.

while collateral/supply options include those plus BADGER, DIGG, and ibBTC:

Collateral factors for all collateral range from 50% to 65%.

Admin Contract:0xB65cef03b9B89f99517643226d76e286ee999e77

Liquidation Incentive: 15%

More on BadgerDAO here

Additional due diligence on Fuse Pool 22 is continuing.


  • Whitelist DOLA Fed contract for Fuse Pool 22 as a DOLA minter

signalling support for this proposal


I support this proposal. Looking forward to a DD report.


Hey Invaders, a Badger contributor here.

We’re excited about this proposal for a couple reasons:

  • Accessing reasonable borrowing rates against long term treasury assets will be increasingly attractive for operational runway, Dola seems a good solution to due this in no small part due to the efforts around the transparency pages.
  • The potential to use the pool to create even more interesting strategies surrounding both stables and other collaterals. The addition of the Dola fed to the pool will make that much more feasible.
  • The mission and ethos if Inverse is great for the ecosystem, if we can help contribute to an increase in Dola circulating supply we’ll have contributed in a positive manner to the decentralization of the ecosystem.

Overall very supportive of this, am an INV holder myself and think this could be very mutually beneficial for both protocols as well as the ecosystem as a whole.



Hi all, please see link below to G Doc of Due Diligence Review on Pool 22.


What’s keeping this from moving to vote?